Friday, November 22, 2013

Ohio Leadership on Target for Economic Development

Gov. Kasich made a tough decision, which was also the right decision for Ohio business. Expanding Medicaid may seem like an expansion of an all ready over-reaching federal government, but the money was there and allocated. By expanding Medicaid, the Governor allowed the working poor to get healthcare coverage. Now, here is the bonus. The people covered under the expanded Medicaid roles will be exempted from employer mandates. Neither will this group of Ohio citizens count towards employer FTE measurement under ACA.

This is a very good outcome for Ohio businesses and Ohio working poor, as most would not have been able to afford their portion of employer based group coverage. The expansion of Medicaid extends coverage to the working poor, reduces the financial obligation on small and medium size business in Ohio and helps to prevent the fines and penalties against business that will be leverage by the IRS, DOL and HHS.

No State Run Exchange

Good for Ohio! Keeping the State government out of this political hot potato is an indication of Ohio leadership staying out of the way of the marketplace. The marketplace will deliver more opportunity and creative solutions for healthcare coverage because Ohio has not set itself up to be in competition with alternatives and the best creative thinking the marketplace can deliver.

Everyone should understand that the Federal government is not in charge of healthcare regulation. Each state controls the operation of health insurance providers in the state. Each state has separate rules and coverage mandates.

Just imagine, if somehow the state of Ohio had a vested interest via a monetary commitment in healthcare delivery, while the state government is also in charge of regulatory oversight of all insurance solutions.....The ODI could have been acting with more authority than Czar Barack now thinks he has over healthcare law.