Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Maybe there is a darkness we can’t see

November 1, 2017

Hiding behind a Liberal Face
Justice can lie waiting for years and then as Melville’s anti-hero said “To the last, I grapple with thee; From Hell's heart, I stab at thee; For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee.”  Just ask Kevin Spacey!

Observers of the human spirit, who have acquired a few life wrinkles, have long struggled with those from Hollywood.  I am sure it takes a special kind of person to be willing to compromise themselves to gain fame, money and recognition as a star of the big screen.  For the few stars that have stayed true to their values....they don’t live in the center of the swirl.

Many of the actors, directors and elitists scream for gun control, some kind of mysterious social justice and women’s rights, while Hollywood continues to make movies that celebrate all forms of violence - depicts teenage girls as hookers - glorify the excess of drug dealers - and turns thieves into creative, good guys.  

Hollywood snobs celebrate and make massive profit by reflecting the dark underbelly of human existence and projecting it onto the big screen.  These movies help desensitize many people to important life issues - theft, drugs, terrorism, death, guns - which may cause deep confusion about their core values.    

So...Why is there so much the screaming from the liberal elite?

Maybe there is a kind of “collective delusional state” that exists behind the liberal mask due to their keeping of secrets and denial of the same.  

The distortion is so deep it probably seems normal to the left-leaning crowd that can rationalize almost anything Hillary.   The lying, double-dealing, dossier-making and money favors fostered by and promoted through the DNC, makes it a pit of quick-sand surrounded by a swamp.

It appears there are many Hollywood dark secrets that everyone knows about, but no one talks about.  Think back just a few years.  Didn’t anyone know about Michael Jackson’s fancy for children?   

Any dark secret seems has a price tag.  It may be simply, how much money will agents, studios, actors and elites afford to keep ‘secrets’ secret for a long time? 

I say, “let me live my life and you can live your life.”  That’s great with me, but it is not good for the liberal that leans even farther left.  But I must accept their beliefs, as my beliefs, and if I don’t I am labeled as a bigot, a hater or some other derogatory subhuman species.  Why are many of the liberal core beliefs more about mandatory acceptance of their ideas, rather than just tolerance of another’s?  

Here is the punch line....I think that the liberals scream so loud and point so many fingers at other people is so that common sense and our Judeo-Christian attention can be redirected away from their dark secrets and the hypocrisy that runs through the veins of the power brokers and other Hollywood elites.  They know they are hiding things that should not be discussed.

But why is this happening now?

The recent events that have exposed Harvey Weinstein may open the gates that guard some of these dark secrets.   

• Does the casting couch exist?   Of course, but that’s not a secret.
• How big is the porn business in Hollywood?   
• Does sexual abuse of child actors occur?   
• Is there a pedophile ring of Hollywood elite?
• Do studios protect money makers they know have disturbing proclivities?

Pundits from every political persuasion tries to join the chorus and passtheir own harsh judgement by waiving their Roman thumbs-down. Opportunists, like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, offer worthless commentary to try and regain two minutes of fame.  Where are these opportunists now?  Do they still have their hand out to Hollywood?

The liberal elite and Hollywood hypocrites scream from secured and gated properties about the ills of Washington DC and the evil President Trump.  But it might be because they all fear the draining of their dark secret swamp.  The elites should be deeply worried, because I bet you, the Hollywood swamp probably has a few monsters from the Black Lagoon still hiding in the deep!    

Why now, after all this time, have so many women and men from Hollywood, national media outlets and beyond, stepped forward to call out their past violators?

Just maybe.... the boldness we are seeing from our national leader, the candid nature of tweets, the destruction of political correctness....has given a voice to people that previously feared the liberal elites, the left-leaning media, the Clinton machine and Hollywood power brokers.