Tuesday, March 13, 2018


My wife seems intent on watching me. Over the last couple of weeks, she has said many times:
  • “I am worried about you”, 
  • “why did you do that?”, 
  • “why did you go this way?”   

Last night, after I went to the bedroom to be quiet and read a bit, the door slowly opened and there she was looking at me again. She started talking, “what do you do in here?”, “you have been distant”.   Frankly, I am not used to being under daily examination for little things – so I don’t like it when she tilts her head and looks at me quizzically and the only thing I can do is chuckle and shrug my shoulders.

But, there is a difference in me now that I have stumbled into retirement. I am learning how to “be” without a consistent, ragging struggle in my head. The struggle that was always reflected on my face is that of an entrepreneur, because half of my brain was always solving the next problem I felt coming.  So it may take a while for her to get used to the blank expression on my face. I am not sure when my face last reflected this inside-out confusion, but it was probably sometime around 1976. That was my first big life transition and I can remember feeling stuck between two worlds. 

The world from which I was leaving was that coming-of-age-time, when you and all your friends are simply invincible.  By chronology, I was supposed to be an adult, but that invincibility held on to the child-like ways of discovery and double-dare-you.  

We didn’t need sleep, we only needed music and plenty of fuel for the enjoyment of the same. Vinyl (most of which I still have) played constantly in our living experience through a Yamaha amp and great Jensen speakers.  But adulthood was calling and the “urge to merge” was felt all around us. She was there then, my current watcher. 

Starting at 26 years young, the physical transition into adulthood was complete, and the psychological eventually followed. I knew we were a good team and I knew something was waiting for me. A year later that confused look disappeared from my face, because I was determined to accomplish something, even though I really didn’t know what “it” would be. But, I got focused on “it”. 

Being from the land of coal, steel and long necked beers of eastern Ohio, I understood hard work. Over the next 15 years or so of career growth, I worked 55-60 hours a week and stayed focused. During that time, I learned I would never to be satisfied without the opportunity to build a company that reflected my principals and values.

For nearly four decades, we have teamed up to follow a very traditional married couples-family path and worked together to achieve our shared objectives. I was the hunter, she was the farmer and our life together has worked well. Through three dogs, one cat, building a house, raising a child and the challenges of business ownership, we have done well and I am extremely grateful for the life we created.

But the confused look has returned to my face, but it’s now framed with gray hair and includes signs of wisdom. It is again a time of transition. 

This time I am not leaving a world, but a new phase of adulthood has found me. 
  • A slower pace of life awaits, but I’m not sure I’m ready for that. 
  • I know I don’t want the angst of being a business leader anymore, but then who will I become? 
  • How do I contribute to being “me”? 
  • Can our house accommodate two farmers? 
  • Will anyone like me just because I am Bill? 
  • Damn, I am no longer invincible. 
So, who am I now? 

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Maybe there is a darkness we can’t see

November 1, 2017

Hiding behind a Liberal Face
Justice can lie waiting for years and then as Melville’s anti-hero said “To the last, I grapple with thee; From Hell's heart, I stab at thee; For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee.”  Just ask Kevin Spacey!

Observers of the human spirit, who have acquired a few life wrinkles, have long struggled with those from Hollywood.  I am sure it takes a special kind of person to be willing to compromise themselves to gain fame, money and recognition as a star of the big screen.  For the few stars that have stayed true to their values....they don’t live in the center of the swirl.

Many of the actors, directors and elitists scream for gun control, some kind of mysterious social justice and women’s rights, while Hollywood continues to make movies that celebrate all forms of violence - depicts teenage girls as hookers - glorify the excess of drug dealers - and turns thieves into creative, good guys.  

Hollywood snobs celebrate and make massive profit by reflecting the dark underbelly of human existence and projecting it onto the big screen.  These movies help desensitize many people to important life issues - theft, drugs, terrorism, death, guns - which may cause deep confusion about their core values.    

So...Why is there so much the screaming from the liberal elite?

Maybe there is a kind of “collective delusional state” that exists behind the liberal mask due to their keeping of secrets and denial of the same.  

The distortion is so deep it probably seems normal to the left-leaning crowd that can rationalize almost anything Hillary.   The lying, double-dealing, dossier-making and money favors fostered by and promoted through the DNC, makes it a pit of quick-sand surrounded by a swamp.

It appears there are many Hollywood dark secrets that everyone knows about, but no one talks about.  Think back just a few years.  Didn’t anyone know about Michael Jackson’s fancy for children?   

Any dark secret seems has a price tag.  It may be simply, how much money will agents, studios, actors and elites afford to keep ‘secrets’ secret for a long time? 

I say, “let me live my life and you can live your life.”  That’s great with me, but it is not good for the liberal that leans even farther left.  But I must accept their beliefs, as my beliefs, and if I don’t I am labeled as a bigot, a hater or some other derogatory subhuman species.  Why are many of the liberal core beliefs more about mandatory acceptance of their ideas, rather than just tolerance of another’s?  

Here is the punch line....I think that the liberals scream so loud and point so many fingers at other people is so that common sense and our Judeo-Christian attention can be redirected away from their dark secrets and the hypocrisy that runs through the veins of the power brokers and other Hollywood elites.  They know they are hiding things that should not be discussed.

But why is this happening now?

The recent events that have exposed Harvey Weinstein may open the gates that guard some of these dark secrets.   

• Does the casting couch exist?   Of course, but that’s not a secret.
• How big is the porn business in Hollywood?   
• Does sexual abuse of child actors occur?   
• Is there a pedophile ring of Hollywood elite?
• Do studios protect money makers they know have disturbing proclivities?

Pundits from every political persuasion tries to join the chorus and passtheir own harsh judgement by waiving their Roman thumbs-down. Opportunists, like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, offer worthless commentary to try and regain two minutes of fame.  Where are these opportunists now?  Do they still have their hand out to Hollywood?

The liberal elite and Hollywood hypocrites scream from secured and gated properties about the ills of Washington DC and the evil President Trump.  But it might be because they all fear the draining of their dark secret swamp.  The elites should be deeply worried, because I bet you, the Hollywood swamp probably has a few monsters from the Black Lagoon still hiding in the deep!    

Why now, after all this time, have so many women and men from Hollywood, national media outlets and beyond, stepped forward to call out their past violators?

Just maybe.... the boldness we are seeing from our national leader, the candid nature of tweets, the destruction of political correctness....has given a voice to people that previously feared the liberal elites, the left-leaning media, the Clinton machine and Hollywood power brokers. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Powers That Be

For as long as man has enjoyed recorded history, a pattern of human behavior is repeated.  The pattern reappears, every now and again, no matter the point-in-time, the culture or geography; the forces of man collide marking times of great change.

This is not a new idea for students of history and those that learn from the past.  But all too often we never really recognize the significance of what is happening or when it is about to occur.  A deeper understanding of events only occurs afterwards.  After the shouting, the war, the assassination or the rebellion has reached its end, do people stop to consider what has happened, why it happened and did it deliver on the promise.

The examples below are meant to illustrate what happens when the winds of change impact the powers that be.  The French Revolution, the English Peasant Revolt or the treachery of the Pharisees are forces of men –  power and control of the few always collide with the free-will of the many.

Greed, power, control – when the few seem to have the lions share of money, wealth, government control or spiritual influence – the 99%ers blame those in the position of authority for their condition.

Historically speaking, there may be very little difference between the circumstances of the past and more modern events.   We hear from the media talking-heads and a few disenfranchised souls about the 1%ers – but I don't think the current dynamic is between the haves and have nots - the 99%ers and the 1%ers.  Today everyone is free, everyone can rise above their birth situation and anyone can accomplish great things.

The struggle is no longer a “have vs have nots” – but maybe it is now focused around those willing to scratch and claw for some sense of influence in their government versus those that do not want their existing circles of influence changed.

The political elite (the black helicopter politicians) want to hold on to control.  Who are these people?  I am not talking about money people.  I am talking about the back-room power brokers that want to maintain authority and control to the point where they will undermine the very will of the people – the will of everyone is the voting ballot.

This political elite seems willing to derail the power of the voting public.  It makes no difference the party of your choice – if anyone tries to unseat those with the power-behind-the-throne, the journey will be on a long and a bumpy road.

Are the events of today really so different than the past?

Is the motivation of the people really any different today than the English serfs?

Is the unimaginable national debt resulting in unfair burdens of  taxation?

Is the Pharisees’ fear and betrayal any different than the established GOP actions?

These are worthy questions about the will of the people versus a few maintaining control.


French Revolution

France in 1789 was one of the richest and most powerful nations in Europe. Only in Great Britain and the Netherlands did the common people have more freedom and less chance of arbitrary punishment.

Nonetheless, a popular rebellion would first to bring the regime of King Louis XVI of France under control of a constitution, then to depose, imprison, try, and execute the king and, later, his wife Marie Antoinette.

Many factors led to the revolution; to some extent the old order succumbed to its own rigidity in the face of a changing world; to some extent, it fell to the ambitions of a rising bourgeoisie, allied with aggrieved peasants and wage-earners and with individuals of all classes who were influenced by the ideas of the Enlightenment.

As the revolution proceeded and as power devolved from the monarchy to legislative bodies, the conflicting interests of these initially allied groups would become the source of conflict and bloodshed.

Certainly, all of the following must be counted among the causes of the revolution:

Resentment of royal absolutism.
Resentment of the seigneurial system by peasants, wage-earners, and a rising bourgeoisie.
The rise of enlightenment ideals.
An unmanageable national debt, both caused by and exacerbating the burden of a grossly inequitable system of taxation.
Food scarcity in the years immediately before the revolution.
Disruption of status quo

Changed followed.

English Peasant Revolt

The Peasants' Revolt was fed by the economic and social upheaval of the 14th century.   At the start of the century, the majority of English people worked in the countryside, as part of a sophisticated economy that fed the country's towns and cities and supported an extensive international trade.

Across much of England, production was organized around manors, controlled by local lords – including the gentry and the Church – and governed through a system of manorial courts.

Some of the population were unfree serfs, who had to work on their lords' lands for a period each year, although the balance of free and unfree varied across England, and in the south-east there were relatively few serfs.   Some serfs were born unfree and could not leave their manors to work elsewhere without the consent of the local lord; others accepted limitations on their freedom as part of the tenure agreement for their farmland.  Population growth led to pressure on the available agricultural land, increasing the power of local landowners.

Land owners holding control
Serfs being enslaved
Economic pressure post Black Plague
Unfair and high taxation
Disruption of status quo

Great change followed.

Betrayed by Pharisees

As the evening began, after Jesus and His disciples had celebrated the Passover, they came to the garden. At some point, Jesus took three of them—Peter, James and John— to a place separated from the rest. Here Jesus asked them to watch with Him and pray so they would not fall into temptation (Matthew 26:41), but they fell asleep. Twice, Jesus had to wake them and remind them to pray so that they would not fall into temptation. This was especially poignant because Peter did indeed fall into temptation later that very night when three times he denied even knowing Jesus. Jesus moved a little way from the three men to pray, and twice He asked His Father to remove the cup of wrath He was about to drink, but each time He submitted to the Father’s will. He was “exceedingly sorrowful unto death,” but God sent an angel from heaven to strengthen Him (Luke 22:43).

After this, Judas Iscariot, the betrayer, arrived with a “multitude” of soldiers, high priests, Pharisees, and servants to arrest Jesus. Judas identified Him by the prearranged signal of a kiss which he gave to Jesus. Trying to protect Jesus, Peter took a sword and attacked a man named Malchus, the servant of the high priest, cutting off his ear.

Jesus rebuked Peter and miraculously healed the man’s ear. It’s surprising that witnessing this amazing miracle of healing had no effect on the multitude. Neither were they shaken by His awesome display of power as described in John 18:5-6, where either at the majesty of His looks, or at the power of His words, or both, they became like dead men, falling to the ground. Nevertheless, they arrested Him and took Him to Pontius Pilate, while the disciples scattered in fear for their lives.

The events that occurred in the Garden of Gethsemane have reverberated down through the centuries. The passion Jesus displayed on that momentous night has been depicted in music, books, and films for centuries. From the 16th century, when Bach wrote two magnificent oratorios based on the gospel accounts of Matthew and John, to the present day with the film The Passion of the Christ, the story of this extraordinary night has been told again and again.

Even our language has been affected by these events, giving us such phrases as “he who lives by the sword dies by the sword” (Matthew 26:52); “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Mark 14:38); and “sweating drops of blood” (Luke 22:44). Of course, the most important impact of this night was the willingness of our Savior to die on the cross in our place in order to pay the penalty for our sins. God “made Him who knew no sin, to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21). This is the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Fear of Jesus
Loss of authority
Pharisees wanted control of money
Disruption of status quo

http://en.wikipedia.org   Source of condensed history

Friday, February 27, 2015

Diversity and Inclusion: Theory of Tolerance

Let's frame this idea using the definitions below. 
  • Diversity: the existence of many unique individuals in the workplace, marketplace and community from different nations, cultures, ethnic groups, generations, backgrounds, skills, and abilities.
  • Inclusion: a work environment where everyone has an opportunity to fully participate in creating business success and where each person is valued for his or her distinctive skills, experiences and perspectives.
  • Tolerance:  The capacity for or the practice of recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others.
  There is a reality to being a human being.  We like to be with people that enjoy and respect similar beliefs, customs, values and life practices.  Through human history, peoples with different ideas and beliefs have sought out other people like themselves.  The massive flow of immigrants into the US led to the formation of German Village, Little Italy, Harlem or Chinatown. This pattern is repeated throughout the world.  These gatherings of like-minded folks are not created by purposeful intent of discrimination or a desire to shut-out a certain kind of person.....But simply to associate with people that a share culture and sense of being.    Why is it that the Diversity and Tolerance seems to be ONLY a one-way street? If we are truthful with ourselves, the emotional connections with others that share a desire to express their uniqueness can be illustrated by just observing a few historical facts and modern day patterns alike. Let's consider a few examples:    Tribal connections - from migratory creatures to farmers   Craftsman guilds - for some this became their surname   Motorcycle gangs - remember Hell's Angels   Survivalist - Dehydrated food and guns   Artist communities - little money but much creativity   Gay populations - Community support   Communes - Drop out and turn on   Fundamentalists - pick any extreme thought   Shakers - for the good of the community   Amish - live simply   Fly fishermen - wear vests with a lot of pockets   Local Italian, Polish, German, Catholic social clubs - celebrate tradition   Masons - secret handshakes   Golfers - willing to spend time being frustrated and then tell stories about it As further evidence of this reality:  Peoples with a specific cultural or lifestyle expectation have always looked for others with a similar view.  This desire to find others with a shared beliefs, that are different from the moderate middle of any culture, normally cause those like-minded groups to live more on the fringe of that society.  One of the earliest writings on this topic is a lengthy piece, discussing the history of why homosexuals and artists began to develop as a community outside of London in the late 1700s.  This cultural evolution continues to play out today.
  • One of the earliest writings on this topic is a lengthy piece, discussing the history of why homosexuals and artists began to develop as a community outside of London in the late 1700s.  This cultural evolution continues to play out today.
  • The Beat Generation and Hipster gatherings of the late 1950s in Greenwich Village and San Francisco.  This movement fueled by avant-garde poetry read by people that wanted to dispose of the pre-package life for which they were intended
 In general, Communities develop around a shared sense of being.  For those that feel things differently than the tribe, community, clan or group of which they are a member: a new life path is determined for them by them.  They have decided to not share the values of their home community or common family beliefs....and with that decision a result manifests, which can create discomfort for all involved.  When such a decision is made by a community dissenter, everyone involved feels the conflict and discomfort.  The person can feel unloved, hurt by reactions or maybe become "shunned" by the community.  The community may express disappointment, judgment or even silly threats.  All involved begin to question the other person or group's belief.  Doubt, frustration, logical appeal, name calling, extrapolating to the extreme....can be a result of one simple belief that is different from the tribe, community or company culture. 
Does this idea support a belief that separatism is OK, or is it the reason why creating artificial or forced diversity will never really build an integrated community?  

  • Who is to blame for this kind of discomfort? 
  • Is it a group of human beings with beliefs and ideas that create a company culture? 
  • Why is it that the dissenter always point the finger back at the community with a sense blame? 
  • What happens when wearing the very different attire then that group becomes an inflammatory statement by a dissenter?
  • Is wearing a head cover motivated by religion or ethnic custom? 
 The question of tolerance versus culture may never be answered until the inhabitants of planet earth are all blended together and homogenized into a multi-cultural school of mindless lemmings that follow one another to nowhere because all uniqueness has been lost.  

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Impact of Bad Leadership

We are witnessing multiple examples of bad leadership.  Trouble makers!  Haters! Takers!  These people are whiners and users.  Across the country thugs and law breakers that don't to contribute much to our society have been eliminated from the gene pool.  It may be by their own hand or it may be by those that protect the whole of society.   White, black, pink or purple - it makes no difference.  From the attack on state police in PA to NYC police officers, a sickness is manifesting in America.  The sickness is one of blaming the other guy for my condition.

The new leaders in the news have learned no lessons from history.  Proud, ethical and strong leaders like Gandhi and MLK were relentless in their pursuit of human justice by rising above their condition. 
Instead we see obnoxious Rev. Hater Sharpton leading the charge to inflame the other haters and trouble makers.  Bad leadership does more damage than no leadership.  The poor Rev seems to have lost his mind, while the leader of the free world goes on vacation and allows these kind of haters and baiters to become false idols.    

Friday, November 22, 2013

Ohio Leadership on Target for Economic Development

Gov. Kasich made a tough decision, which was also the right decision for Ohio business. Expanding Medicaid may seem like an expansion of an all ready over-reaching federal government, but the money was there and allocated. By expanding Medicaid, the Governor allowed the working poor to get healthcare coverage. Now, here is the bonus. The people covered under the expanded Medicaid roles will be exempted from employer mandates. Neither will this group of Ohio citizens count towards employer FTE measurement under ACA.

This is a very good outcome for Ohio businesses and Ohio working poor, as most would not have been able to afford their portion of employer based group coverage. The expansion of Medicaid extends coverage to the working poor, reduces the financial obligation on small and medium size business in Ohio and helps to prevent the fines and penalties against business that will be leverage by the IRS, DOL and HHS.

No State Run Exchange

Good for Ohio! Keeping the State government out of this political hot potato is an indication of Ohio leadership staying out of the way of the marketplace. The marketplace will deliver more opportunity and creative solutions for healthcare coverage because Ohio has not set itself up to be in competition with alternatives and the best creative thinking the marketplace can deliver.

Everyone should understand that the Federal government is not in charge of healthcare regulation. Each state controls the operation of health insurance providers in the state. Each state has separate rules and coverage mandates.

Just imagine, if somehow the state of Ohio had a vested interest via a monetary commitment in healthcare delivery, while the state government is also in charge of regulatory oversight of all insurance solutions.....The ODI could have been acting with more authority than Czar Barack now thinks he has over healthcare law.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Need talent to help us growth

In order to satisfy our growth, we need to add talented folks to compliment Sequent's consulting department.  Exciting challenges for an entrepreneurial-minded person that enjoys fast thinking, building a core department from scratch and helping clients achieve their business objectives. 

Sequent is seeking a Recruiting Specialist that understands the retail-mindset and has a good network to attract Change Management consultants and thought leaders. 

The Recruiting Specialist will have full responsibility to build the structure needed, grow our network of consultants and clients, manage resource allocation for various projects andwork with department leaders to ensure the resources match the client’s needs AND culture.

Sequent wants to add a Human Resource Management System consultant.  This position reports to the Technology Practice Manager and manages HRMS consulting and implementation projects.  This position is responsible for business process improvement, data flow mapping, and project management. 

The HRMS consultant serves as the main point of contact on projects and works with other subject matter experts to ensure data integrity, testing, reporting, and process improvement opportunities.  He or she identifies training needs of end users and assists in the development of training to meet those needs.  The HRMS consultant is the primary point of contact between the IT department and the HR business process owners on all system upgrades, testing and other projects as assigned.  The right person must enjoy problem solving and have servants heart.  Travel is required in order to support these on-site clients.