Friday, February 27, 2015

Diversity and Inclusion: Theory of Tolerance

Let's frame this idea using the definitions below. 
  • Diversity: the existence of many unique individuals in the workplace, marketplace and community from different nations, cultures, ethnic groups, generations, backgrounds, skills, and abilities.
  • Inclusion: a work environment where everyone has an opportunity to fully participate in creating business success and where each person is valued for his or her distinctive skills, experiences and perspectives.
  • Tolerance:  The capacity for or the practice of recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others.
  There is a reality to being a human being.  We like to be with people that enjoy and respect similar beliefs, customs, values and life practices.  Through human history, peoples with different ideas and beliefs have sought out other people like themselves.  The massive flow of immigrants into the US led to the formation of German Village, Little Italy, Harlem or Chinatown. This pattern is repeated throughout the world.  These gatherings of like-minded folks are not created by purposeful intent of discrimination or a desire to shut-out a certain kind of person.....But simply to associate with people that a share culture and sense of being.    Why is it that the Diversity and Tolerance seems to be ONLY a one-way street? If we are truthful with ourselves, the emotional connections with others that share a desire to express their uniqueness can be illustrated by just observing a few historical facts and modern day patterns alike. Let's consider a few examples:    Tribal connections - from migratory creatures to farmers   Craftsman guilds - for some this became their surname   Motorcycle gangs - remember Hell's Angels   Survivalist - Dehydrated food and guns   Artist communities - little money but much creativity   Gay populations - Community support   Communes - Drop out and turn on   Fundamentalists - pick any extreme thought   Shakers - for the good of the community   Amish - live simply   Fly fishermen - wear vests with a lot of pockets   Local Italian, Polish, German, Catholic social clubs - celebrate tradition   Masons - secret handshakes   Golfers - willing to spend time being frustrated and then tell stories about it As further evidence of this reality:  Peoples with a specific cultural or lifestyle expectation have always looked for others with a similar view.  This desire to find others with a shared beliefs, that are different from the moderate middle of any culture, normally cause those like-minded groups to live more on the fringe of that society.  One of the earliest writings on this topic is a lengthy piece, discussing the history of why homosexuals and artists began to develop as a community outside of London in the late 1700s.  This cultural evolution continues to play out today.
  • One of the earliest writings on this topic is a lengthy piece, discussing the history of why homosexuals and artists began to develop as a community outside of London in the late 1700s.  This cultural evolution continues to play out today.
  • The Beat Generation and Hipster gatherings of the late 1950s in Greenwich Village and San Francisco.  This movement fueled by avant-garde poetry read by people that wanted to dispose of the pre-package life for which they were intended
 In general, Communities develop around a shared sense of being.  For those that feel things differently than the tribe, community, clan or group of which they are a member: a new life path is determined for them by them.  They have decided to not share the values of their home community or common family beliefs....and with that decision a result manifests, which can create discomfort for all involved.  When such a decision is made by a community dissenter, everyone involved feels the conflict and discomfort.  The person can feel unloved, hurt by reactions or maybe become "shunned" by the community.  The community may express disappointment, judgment or even silly threats.  All involved begin to question the other person or group's belief.  Doubt, frustration, logical appeal, name calling, extrapolating to the extreme....can be a result of one simple belief that is different from the tribe, community or company culture. 
Does this idea support a belief that separatism is OK, or is it the reason why creating artificial or forced diversity will never really build an integrated community?  

  • Who is to blame for this kind of discomfort? 
  • Is it a group of human beings with beliefs and ideas that create a company culture? 
  • Why is it that the dissenter always point the finger back at the community with a sense blame? 
  • What happens when wearing the very different attire then that group becomes an inflammatory statement by a dissenter?
  • Is wearing a head cover motivated by religion or ethnic custom? 
 The question of tolerance versus culture may never be answered until the inhabitants of planet earth are all blended together and homogenized into a multi-cultural school of mindless lemmings that follow one another to nowhere because all uniqueness has been lost.  

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