Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Small Employers Win With Medicaid Expansion

The idea of an expanding federal government becomes less appealing every day.  However, I believe that the expansion of Medicaid to Ohio residents is good for small businesses.  We can debate the progressive or conservative position all day long, but that accomplishes nothing. 
Isn’t this really an economic development issue?  Absolutely! 
·       Increase cash into the state economic flow of over $13 BIL a year
·       Increase sales tax revenue to Ohio of $400 MIL a year
·       600,000 people will be covered by Medicaid that were not covered before
·       600,000 working people that still may be below 138% of the federal poverty level will qualify for Medicaid
·       600,000 working poor now covered under Medicaid will be EXEMPTED from employer based health care cost!
Do you understand that last point?  Seriously, this is a big deal.  The group of working poor now covered under Medicaid will not count against FTE calculations or the penalty structure under ACA.

Read this Washington Post article

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